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PF-1e Savage Tide Adventure Path - RPG Crossing

The Savage Tide Adventure Path is a complete campaign featured over heights of 20th, and possibly beyond. It all begins in the exotic port city of Sasserine, detailed in this booklet. The Savage Tide Player's Guide includes: a full-color map of Sasserine The Savage Tide Player's Guide is now available as a free PDF download. Medium /5(8). House Rules for Savage Tide Adventure Path (STAP) Many of these house rules come from previous campaigns but we may not have the same problems that are solved herein. Still, it’s better to be prepared A. Character Creation Notes! 2 B. Class Ability Clarifications! 4 C. Clarifications of Existing Spells! 4 D. Modifications of Existing. Jan 15,  · The Savage Tide Adventure Path is a twelve part campaign presented in the pages of DUNGEON Magazine. Additional material was also published in DRAGON magazine as a supplement to the campaigne for both players and DM’s alike. Many thanks are owed to the many people who worked so diligently on the Savage Tide Adventure Path.

savage tide adventure path pdf download

Savage tide adventure path pdf download

The adventure path starts in Sasserinea medieval fantasy pastiche of merchant prince-era Venice with level 1 PCs and eventually leads the party across the ocean, into dangerous and wild jungles, to far-off colonies and coves, to the heart of darkness, and even to the Abyss itself, culminating in an epic-level adventure that the fate of the world will turn upon as the Prince of Demons, Demogorgon makes the master stroke of his thousand-year plan to spread limitless chaos throughout the Prime Material Plane and make whole his fractured self.

Charged with bringing Vanthus Vanderboren to justice, the group scoured the streets of the city until at last they found the underground lair of the Lotus Dragons. But when they arrive they find pure bedlam in the form of scores of dead and diseased pirates, plagued by an infection that seemed to spread even to the flora and fauna. Putting the clues together as they fought, it was discovered that Vanthus attempted to steal some sort of artifact from the pirates of the Crimson Fleet but was caught in the act, and during the struggle the artifact was destroyed, spreading a wave of abomination over the area, turning most people and creatures into horribly disfigured monsters.

Fighting their way into the caves the pirates used in the search for answers, they encountered Captain Harliss Javella Crimson Fleet captain who told the party she had already dispatched her men to Sasserine to kill Vanthus and his entire family for the slight against the fleet.

Fearing for the safety of Lavinia and knowing Vanthus would not return home, the group made haste for Sasserine. In spite of being waylaid, savage tide adventure path pdf download, the group breached the grounds of Vanderboren Manor and managed to defeat the Crimson Fleet hit squad, save the Jade Ravens, the Vanderboren private guard who had been defeated during the siege of the home, and save Lavinia from certain death.

The open sea before them and Sasserine behind them, the party found themselves aboard a commandeered Crimson Fleet vessel taken as plunder, headed for the aptly named Isle of Dread. Dispelling the curse that made that salt-caked hell, the party sailed on for Farshore. Their momentary victory over nature was short-lived, however, as the weather turned foul and tossed their ship to the roiling sea. Crashing on the rocky bluffs of the Isle of Dread and losing most of their crew, savage tide adventure path pdf download, the survivors of the Sea Wyvern marched south across the isle through perilous jungles full of giant beasts before reaching a tainted coil of a jungle glade, clearly crafted by demonic influence.

With heavy hearts, the party at last glimpsed the fires of Farshore in the distance, but only to find that the colony burned even as they reached it.

Finally reunited with their employer, the group found that even before the Crimson Fleet attacks, all was not well in Farshore. Lavinia campaigned against Manthalay Meravanchia former traveling companion of her parents who wished to rule the region through force, and his xenophobic style of leadership had burned many bridges with the Olmanthe indigenous people of the Isle.

Moreover, Farshore itself was woefully unprepared to weather a massive attack, leaving the group scrambling to bolster her defenses and recruit help from across the isle and acquire resources to aid the people of Farshore in repelling the invaders. Through a series of daring maneuvers and with the might of their new Olman allies, the invading Crimson Fleet — commanded by Vanthus, now twisted by demonic influence — was routed and beat back to the sea. With Lavinia having won the election that guaranteed her leadership over the colony, Vanthus dead, and the Fleet taught a harsh lesson about the fortitude of the tiny savage tide adventure path pdf download, Farshore at last had purchased itself some room to breathe.

Using the log to follow the trail of custody back to a troglodyte tribe that dwelt beneath the Isle of Dread, the group eventually came to Golismorgaa massive cavern-city beneath the Isle of Dread that had been rendered dry by an Olman artifact used to end a millenia-done war with the aquatic aboleth.

In the absence of those foes and the husk of that great city, the final step in the production line of shadow pearls had been established by those demonic forces who would profit off their production, and in a series of brave raids, the malignant temple responsible for their creation and the cultists who oversaw the operation were shut down. Believing that the island and the remains of the first Olman city, Thanaclanmay provide further clues as to the identity of their opponent and the provenance of the shadow pearls, the group trekked there, finding themselves too late to save the last remains of a slave Olman tribe kept in thrall by the demons who took over Thanaclan after the Olman exodus from the city over a millennium prior.

With the production line of Golismorga halted and the shadow pearl production operation nearly completed in any case, the demons there had begun to pull up stakes, starting with the mass sacrifice of their chattel slaves. With this unsettling news in mind, the group returned to Farshore to face even worse news: while away at Thanaclan, Savage tide adventure path pdf download had been kidnapped by her brother, Vanthus, who had somehow defied the gods themselves to crawl up from his own grave.

Assuming false identities for their trip to the cancerous port of Scuttlecove, it became apparent that many revelations yet awaited the group in the days ahead. In their search for Lavinia, they found themselves embroiled in a drug-trafficking struggle between crime boss and wizard Kedward Bone and the upstart madame of a notorious brothel named Wulvera.

Resolution of that squabble got them the information they sought — the location of Harliss Jevall, who had been kidnapped and detained since sending her letter — but also alluded to a disquieting possibility: that they, savage tide adventure path pdf download, the heroes, were being manipulated by outside forced, savage tide adventure path pdf download, as though they were following a script. Finding that Vanthus had lost custody of Lavinia to one of the other powerful inmates shortly after his arrival, the group reluctantly set about resolving a fomenting power struggle that had been festering within the prison walls for many years.

While she, too, was defeated, it did little to return Lavinia to life, savage tide adventure path pdf download, and so Lavinia was taken with them until such a time as she could be returned. Unfortunately, this woman was, aside from being the former queen of all succubi, currently interred in the Wells of Darknessa interdimensional oubliette that very powerful entities used to ensure that their prisoners remained silent and unreachable for eternity.

After much struggle and much research, the heroes fought their way to a massive, red cathedral at the heart of the plane and made a bargain with the only entity in the multiverse capable of releasing creatures from the Wells, a demon lord named Ahazuhimself both the jailor and jailed of the Wells of Darkness. The deal as struck required savage tide adventure path pdf download heroes to bring Ahazu a greater prisoner in sixty-six days, else their collective souls would be forfeit to the Wells, themselves.

If his attention could be sufficiently divided, his mind would fracture, leaving him vulnerable. Shami-Amourae suggested a multi-stage assault on Gaping Maw by the forces of his enemies, and left to reconsolidate her power. It was at this point that CharonFerryman of the Styx, made his presence and his grudge with Demogorgon known to the heroes. Seeing in them a mutual hatred for the Prince of Demons, he directed them to speak to the powerful witch and scholar of the Abyss Iggwilvwho could guide and advise them in their goal.

The last of these came at the highest cost, for it was through Malcanthet that our heroes learned that the feeling of unease they had received in Scuttlecove was justified. With their army assembled, the fateful hour drew nigh.

Though the emissary of the cryptic deity would brook no question at the time, it was strongly suspected that the intercession of the god was provoked somehow by their fallen friend, Tobinwho was one of his votaries. With little time to lose before the appointed hour at which Demogorgon would unleash his savage tide, the savage tide adventure path pdf download to take the fight to Gaping Maw had come.

As the battle began, the pieces aligned to distract and confuse the Prince of Demons: his cloned son and general turned on his brother; his beachhead was broken and shattered; the capital of Wat Dagon, Lemoriax, was devastated by the arrival of the insane god, Obox-Ob; his son, Arendagrost, slain by the marauding forces of Orcus; his armies laid low by the perfect legions of the god of knowledge; and even as Orcus fought the Prince of Demons in his own throne room, Demogorgon became dimly aware that forced had aligned against him to sunder not only his home, but his plans.

The pearl was well-guarded by the forces of both Demogorgon and Dagon, savage tide adventure path pdf download it was from the minions of the latter, a fully-mad abomination and ancient Olman traitor named Nulongathat the group learned that the Prince of Demons was merely a pawn on the board of a cabal of obyrith lords, Dagon among them, who sought to use Demogorgon to destroy not only all life on the Prime, but all of demonkind and the gods, themselves, leaving only behind the terrible, alien beings known as the obyrith.

This knowledge did not change their mission, however, and after dispatching the guardians of the master pearl and being reunited, albeit briefly, with Tobin, who confirmed their suspicions of his involvement, they fled Wat Dagon only to be interrupted by the Prince of Demons himself, who was enraged at the affront to his might and dedicated to a course of murder, even with his attentions — and therefore his power — severely divided by the assault on his plane and person, savage tide adventure path pdf download.

The final and most unkind cut was administered by the Demon Queen of the Succubi, herself, who revealed the truth of her betrayal and further insinuated to the Prince of Demons that he was worthless, weak, and impotent. In the battle that followed, the heroes were very narrowly victorious, thanks in great portion to the concerted efforts of Orcus, Iggwilv, Charon, Obox-Ob, Bagromar, Irori, Malcanthet, and their mortal allies, and the Demon Prince fell.

All that remained was for the mantle of Prince of Demons to go to another: the men stood and weighed their options, no one willing to take the mantle upon themselves for fear that it would mean the end to their sense of self, savage tide adventure path pdf download. Ultimately, their hesitation became a choice unto itself: Orcus arrived from his home plane of Thanatos to claim savage tide adventure path pdf download prize, crushing the larval form of Vanthus beneath his cloven hoof.

No one, however, could have anticipated what came next. Even as Kizziar and Othar had almost grasped the crown, Malcanthet, Demon Queen of the Succubi, materialized before them and snatched the crown for herself. As pyrrhic a victory as this seemed, our heroes were victorious: the Savage Tide had been averted, the Prince of Demons slain, and the obyrith plot to eradicate all life on the prime and leave the planes a barren carcass for them to rule eternally stopped cold.

Only they would know the truth of what that victory had cost. But they returned home as heroes all the same. Is this campaign still recruiting? I am looking for a PF game, and I have a savage tide adventure path pdf download who is also looking for one.

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Savage tide adventure path pdf download

savage tide adventure path pdf download

Nov 07,  · Download Request: Savage Tide Encounters PDF. Savage Tide Adventure Path: Search Thread Search this Thread: I didn't realize this many people were still interested in running Savage Tide! I'm going to run my kids through it, who have just started playing in the last year. Community / Forums / Archive / Paizo / Books & Magazines. Savage Tide Adventure Path. This campaign assumes your starting character is a Sasserine native, and as such you can expect to know a fair amount in advance about the city. This booklet presents everything you’ll need to know about your new home town, from an exhaustive list of every major shop and tavern to the. The Savage Tide Adventure Path is a complete campaign featured over heights of 20th, and possibly beyond. It all begins in the exotic port city of Sasserine, detailed in this booklet. The Savage Tide Player's Guide includes: a full-color map of Sasserine The Savage Tide Player's Guide is now available as a free PDF download. Medium /5(8).

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